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Our belief is that true success for our customers ​can only be achieved by understanding their true needs and corporate strategies. Re-sellers are typically price motivated, knowing that the lowest cost negotiated will bring the highest rate of return short term. Brokers are focused even more so on this as they are acting as middle men between multiple parties and they have more people to keep happy. A large corporation with 500 employees, however, may not care about up front cost as much as resale value in the future when they are ready to build and upgrade technology.


By creating a truly innovative approach to meeting our customers' needs, we've created a process that has yielded excellent results for thousands of clients worldwide no matter what their needs are. The key of course, is having a true understanding of what those needs are. 


Vendors often ask us to buy products we love, but they don't often give us a true understand of the long term relationship goals in mind. Are we going to be exclusive to a certain region of that product? Are they aiming at competitors who have been cornering specific markets? What have been the challenges and why haven't certain results already been achieved? These are tough conversations, but they lead to game plans that breed success. 

Our customers may say things like "We need the fastest SSD drives so we have no downtime during our work day". In many cases, we've learned that their day to day operations didn't require such expensive drives, but a simple networking upgrade. We pride ourselves on understanding the strategies our clients have for growth and helping them deploy those strategies in tranches that are financially responsible. We've learned that asking questions which matter make all the difference between short term and long term relationships and continued success.


Sometimes, point A to point B can seem out of reach. Our logistics team has over 20 years of combined experience allowing us to push the limits in achieving for our clients what often seems unattainable. With a global network of logistic partners we are able to utilize direct relationships to bring the most value driven results for our customers. We offer 24 hour global shipping services to virtually any country door to door.


When the largest tech brands in the world release new products our team goes above and beyond to understand the capabilities of what those products can do for our clients. We've spent countless hours, many late nights, and unfathomable amounts of coffee making sure we identify the difference between hype and value. Being direct and having a clear plan of strategy with the products we sell allows us the ability to help our customers truly understand how new products can make the positive impact they desire to see in their business.


At Tech Commerce Group we stand by our word and deliver. We are responsible for our individual and team actions, meeting our customer and financial commitments, and recognizing our customer needs. Our work ethic, dedication, and drive to deliver results exceeds expectations and puts us one step ahead of the competition. ​We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, led by honesty, fairness, and dignity in every action we take, always.

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